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Skin Types

It is key to understand your skin type to establish the appropriate care suited to your needs. Therefore, we introduce information associated in helping you better recognise your skin type to pair with our Evalin Vegan & Natural SkinCare products. 

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Smooth Shiny Skin

Dry Skin

Scaling, flaking, redness and ashiness accompanied with itching or feeling of tightness may be a sign of dry skin condition, caused by lack of moisture or lipids (fats) present in the upper layers of the skin.

Sensitive Skin

A non-functioning, disrupted skin barrier may enable more substances to penetrate the skin and hence cause irritation. Sensitive skin may be accompanied with redness, inflammation, itchiness, ashiness, stinging sensations and skin conditions such as allergies or eczema.

Oily Skin

Increased Sebum production may result in oily skin conditions such as inflammation or acne. This may be seen with skin shiny in appearance, enlarged pores and oily residue on blotting paper. 

Mature/Aging Skin

Damage or degradation to collagen fibres, lack of hyaluronic acid in the dermis and damage to elastin fibres may be signs of mature/aging skin. Noticeable signs may depend on skin tone- but include wrinkles, loss of elasticity, loss of skin plumpness and hyperpigmentation. 

Normal/Healthy Skin

Appropriate moisture levels and barrier functions may be signs of normal/healthy functioning skin. To prevent skin conditions from arising, maintenance and simple/gentle skincare regimes may be suitable.

Applying Facial Cream
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